End of Year Happenings
Well I guess it's about time I actually added something in here for the world to read.
The holidays are over and it's now 2006. WOW - I hardly remember 2005 at all it went by so fast. Christmas was quiet as usually with the family dinners and opening of presents at a normal time of morning. Was a Sunday this year though, so went to church on Christmas morning as well which is an awesome way to celebrate the day.
Was an eventful end the year though as I officially became a home owner on December15th. That was a big step in my life, I just hope it all goes well so I don't need a roommate anytime soon. It's a great feeling though, knowing that the place is yours and can do pretty much whatever you want. Including watching movies with a good sound for a change, not having to worry about the old man upstairs complaining to the landlord about you. I'm slowing getting the boxes emptied though, taking alot longer than I expected, but i'm not rushing at it either.
On the sports front, my curling team is preparing for the Provincials at the end of the month, so please wish us luck, cause we need all the help we can get. I'll post more about that when the time comes.
That's enough for now I guess - I'll try to update this a little more often from now on.
Happy New Year everyone.
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