Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Possibily Losing my Job


Well working for Government is just wonderful, especially when they can just about do whatever they feel fit, regardless of how it affects the people that work there. As those who know me know, my employer has begun restructuring their IT services. I just wanted to keep you filled in the the work front here.

I know some of us had discussed it last week at bible study. When I got to the office this morning and checked my e-mail from yesterday when I was out, I ended up having a meeting with my Manager and the HR rep from the Public Service Commission. The meeting was to inform us and to give us a letter stating that we have been placed on an Intended Notice of Layoff. Which basically means that our current job will no longer exist and we have to reapply for jobs within the new Government IT Structure. If we end up not getting one, we are placed on an 18 month call back list, where we could still apply for Internal Job Postings for up to 1 1/2 years after we leave. It also means that our salary level is red-circled, so it allows us to apply for jobs at lower leves, without having to take a pay cut. So things are moving now, even though it a pretty sucks way to start your day. It's been a very very very awful day.
Four of us in the end user area were given the layoff notices, our Admin Assistant has been moved to a new section, our Manager received a new position and the other 3 people were confirmed into their new positions and one positions which is vacant, is not being filler. So of the 10 of us, just 4 of us are left to find something

Sorry this is so long, but I needed to vent and let you all know what's up. So please keep praying as job interviews will be occuring over the next 2 - 6 weeks.
