Leaving Home
Well to appease Laura and her ever asking of when my blog will be updated, it's been updated as of today!!!!
It's Victoria Day weekend for those of us in Canada, the first real long weekend of the "summer" so to speak. There are people out gardening, cutting the lawn, fishing, farming, and getting the tourist sites ready to open for the summer. I went home to Souris, PEI to visit my family for a couple of days and was set to work in several of the above options. Mom asked me to help her get the garage cleaned up a little so we could gain access to the lawn ornaments and such, also finished cutting the lawn and cleaning up in side the house after some minor renovations.
I did get one rather large shock upon heading into the basement and into my "old" bedroom. I discovered that my 19 year old brother upon moving home from college, took over my room. My bed and dresser were in the "rec room", along with all the posters on my wall and odds and ends that were hidden in places I had forgotten about. I asked my mom what was up and she stated that he (my brother) was fairly entitled to the room as I don't really live there anymore and had decided that my things should be in my own house, that I recently purchased.
This was quite a shock to myself seeing that this stuff had been there since my teenage years through Junior and Senior High. I set out looking for some rather large boxes... the bookshelves were emptied into them, the desk drawers, old clothes were tossed in the trash and posters and old toys were placed in the box as well. Never know when one might wish to have his old toys!!
High school diplomas, scholarship letters and college diplomas were found under the piles of books and such. My mom wanted to put together a big blue bin of things that we wanted to save for ourselves, so I managed to sort through some of the things and place them in the keepsake box. One really forgets how much stuff one acquires over the years and forgets about. I managed to fill about 6 boxes with stuff of all sorts, 2 of which contain my extensive hockey and baseball card collection that I had ever so long ago forgotten about. Ill have to check out the "interweb" and see if any of them are worth anything. I doubt it though.
As I packed my car to come back to my house tonight, with all my personal belongings, I realized that I had truely "grown up" and moved out of home! All that is left is my old studying desk and a bed, which doesn't fit will in a SunFire, so that will have to wait for another time.
Now onto the bigger job - trying to find a place to put it in my house! ;)
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