Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happenings and Goings On

Well once again it's been awhile since I've updated this again. Have to get used to writing about what's going on!!

The recovery from the nasal surgery is going well, had a doctor's appointment last week and was told that it looks good and to see him again in 2 weeks, so that's Feb 6, for those of you who are curious. Hopefully by then it will be almost healed. It's definately nice to be able to breathe through ones nose again and able to use his Sleep Apnea machine at night. I went about a week without using it, so didn't get much sleep. Doing much better now that I can use it again though.

My online course this semester - Introduction to Personnel and Human Resource Management is going well, definately more reading than last semester, but much less Math so that's all good.

Tomorrow is the big day, the PEI Men's Curling Provincials!! They actually started tonight, but my team doesn't play until tomorrow. For those of you that might read this tonight or tomorrow you can keep tabs on how we're doing at the following website.

Hopefully we'll play well and at least improve on our 0-3 record from last year!! That's the goal anyways. I'll put up a post later on how we did and other stuff happening.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hospital Visits and Non-Activity

Well I"m back from the hospital this afternoon. Underwent some day surgury today to hopefully correct some breathing problems. Was a pretty good experience and didn't bother me nearly as much as I thought it might.

Now the boring part begins - no heavy lifting or physical activity for 1 week. This is the part that really sucks especially since the curling provincials are coming up and really don't want to miss 3 games, but I'll see how I'm feeling the first of the week and whether I'll play or not.

Speaking of curling - we won our 3rd SuperLeague last night by a 3-2 score. We played a pretty good game overall and are looking forward to the next game.

We also went out and got some new team colors last night. Golden Yellow and Black it is. A bit of a change from the muted blue jackets we have now.

Anyways - back to the couch to mend!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

End of Year Happenings

Well I guess it's about time I actually added something in here for the world to read.

The holidays are over and it's now 2006. WOW - I hardly remember 2005 at all it went by so fast. Christmas was quiet as usually with the family dinners and opening of presents at a normal time of morning. Was a Sunday this year though, so went to church on Christmas morning as well which is an awesome way to celebrate the day.

Was an eventful end the year though as I officially became a home owner on December15th. That was a big step in my life, I just hope it all goes well so I don't need a roommate anytime soon. It's a great feeling though, knowing that the place is yours and can do pretty much whatever you want. Including watching movies with a good sound for a change, not having to worry about the old man upstairs complaining to the landlord about you. I'm slowing getting the boxes emptied though, taking alot longer than I expected, but i'm not rushing at it either.

On the sports front, my curling team is preparing for the Provincials at the end of the month, so please wish us luck, cause we need all the help we can get. I'll post more about that when the time comes.

That's enough for now I guess - I'll try to update this a little more often from now on.
Happy New Year everyone.