Where Did The Time Go??
Well I've now had 3 or 4 different people all ask me when or if I was going to update my blog again. So here ya go!!
It seems that summer has once again passed us by, as the days and nights get much cooler and I've now actually turned the heat on in my house again, one must ponder just where did the time go.
At the beginning of the summer I had so many things that I wanted to do. Well as you might guess, those things did NOT all get accomplished. It seems that time just disappeared before I got around to doing pretty much anything.
Sailing went quite well over the summer. Myself and the rest of the crew aboard SIREN II were quite pleased with ourselves when we finsihed in 1st Place in our class during Race Week 2006. Too bad that was about all we did well!!!
School....yes you read that right. I was in school over the summer. I was finally able to get into my 2nd of two first year English courses, so I thought I had better complete it when I have the chance. Taking courses over the summer isn't the most exciting thing one could do especially when reading novels that don't interest you in the least. It's over now though and I did pass.... barely!!
Work as some of you know hasn't been the most pleasant experience for me the last year. My employee decided that it would be a good idea to re-organize all the IT sections and bring us all under one roof and decrease the actual number of people that were there. So in the end, after applying, interviewing and sweating things out, I did get to keep my job. I just ended up with a different one. Currently it's so busy, it's not really that fun anymore. There is no end to the work coming in and we just can't seem to catch up. Here's hoping that the job I applied for at DVA will end in a positive result! So if you can please keep this in your prayers for me.
Odds and Ends -- I didn't get to the beach that often this summer - perhaps 4 or 5 times all summer. I've been on the Weight Watchers plan since the end of June and currently am 22 pounds lighter then when I started. Finances are continuing to be an big burden on me lately. I just can't keep up with things. I've decided to rent out the spare room in my house to see if the bills can get caught up with and to help with the fact that it does get quite lonely living by yourself after awhile.
New Car -- well i did it and went and traded in the Silver Sunfire for a Fiji Blue Civic. It's pretty nice looking if I do say so myself - and I think Laura will agree with me. Considering her and Marko bought the same car. Here's a pic!!

Prayers -- please keep the above thoughts in prayer for me. There is no end to the power of prayer and what it can do in people's hearts. I've had a really rough time over the summer dealing with some issues and feel further away from God than I think i've ever been. The fellowship with my friends means a great deal to me and always encourages me to get back on the saddle, but lately I just can't seem to hoist myself up there and get back to prayer, where I need to be.
So as you can see, the summer was quite busy afterall. My family vacation didn't pan out and didn't get everything done around my place that I had hoped, but I have some of the best friends a guy could want and am able to sit here and type, so what more could I want!! I'll try dilligently to keep this updated more often, but taking another course and having curling starting on Friday, the posts will most likely be as sporadic as before.